On August 8th, in New Delhi, it is anticipated that Congress leader Rahul Gandhi will initiate discussions from the opposition bench as the Lok Sabha addresses the no-confidence motion against the government on Tuesday. Sources within the Congress party have indicated that Gandhi will commence the deliberations, with subsequent participation from leaders like Gaurav Gogoi, the initiator of the motion.
Commencing Tuesday, the Lok Sabha is poised for an intense debate regarding the no-confidence motion against the government led by the BJP. The motion, brought forth by Gogoi, who holds the position of Congress’ deputy leader in the Lok Sabha, holds the third slot on the List of Business. This discourse occurs against the backdrop of ongoing ethnic conflicts in Manipur, contributing to repeated disruptions in both parliamentary chambers.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to deliver his response to the debate on Thursday. Additionally, Congress figures such as Manish Tewari and Depak Baij are expected to contribute their perspectives during the discourse.
While the government enjoys a favorable numerical advantage, the opposition is expected to use this opportunity to showcase their recently solidified unity, aimed at challenging the BJP led by Modi in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections next year.
When queried about Gandhi’s participation in the no-confidence motion discussion, Congress chief Mallikarjun Kharge responded, “Jaroor bolenge (definitely, he will speak).” This statement came on Monday, as Gandhi made his return to the Lok Sabha after a four-month disqualification, following the Supreme Court’s suspension of his conviction in a defamation case.