Bhubaneswar, Aug 1 – In a bid to bolster the criminal justice system in Odisha, Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik has granted Rs 150.05 crore for the modernization of the State Forensic Science Services Organization. The scheme, named ‘Modernization of Forensic Science Services Organization, Odisha,’ will be executed over a five-year period from 2023-24 to 2027-28, according to a statement issued by the Chief Minister’s Office (CMO).
The scheme’s key objectives encompass ensuring the prompt disposal of cases, fortifying forensic laboratories at the state, regional, and district levels, enhancing scientific investigation capabilities, adopting modern technologies, and strengthening prosecution efforts to boost the conviction rate.
The allocated amount is divided into various components for different expenditures, including Rs 20 crore for constructing new Regional Forensic Laboratory Buildings in Balasore and Sambalpur, Rs 125.25 crore for acquiring equipment, and Rs 3.50 crore for Mobile Forensic Vans, among other expenses, as stated in the announcement.