New Delhi : During a video conference addressing the Kshetriya Panchayati Raj Parishad in West Bengal, Prime Minister Narendra Modi alleged that the ruling Trinamool Congress led by Mamata Banerjee had engaged in violent tactics during the Panchayat polls, accusing them of playing with blood. He further accused the party of intimidating voters and creating a hostile environment.
“They have resorted to anything necessary to prevent BJP candidates from filing nominations. Their tactics involve not just threatening BJP workers, but also the voters. Booth-capturing contracts have been reportedly given out. This is the nature of their political approach in the state,” stated the Prime Minister.
Modi went on to claim that the TMC had even handed contracts to criminal elements, instructing them to seize control of polling booths on the day of vote counting. He noted that during the counting process, TMC prevented BJP members from observing and allegedly forced them out of offices. Despite these allegations, the BJP emerged victorious in some areas, leading to rallies by the TMC against BJP members.
The Panchayat elections in West Bengal, held on July 8, saw TMC secure victories in 28,985 seats and the BJP in 7,764 seats. The Congress party managed to secure 2,022 seats. TMC maintained a lead on an additional 1,540 seats, while BJP led in 417 seats, as reported by the State Election Commission (SEC). The Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) won 2,409 seats and led in 260 seats. Other parties clinched 725 seats and were leading in 23, while independent candidates, including TMC rebels, secured 1,656 seats and led in 104.
However, the voting day itself was marred by extensive violence, including ballot paper theft, rigging, and booth capturing. Incidents of ballot box destruction and clashes between political factions were reported from various districts, including Murshidabad, Cooch Behar, Malda, South 24 Parganas, North Dinajpur, and Nadia.”