New Delhi, Sep 6: Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Wednesday that the Nataraja statue installed at Bharat Mandapam, the convention centre which will host key G20 summit meetings, will stand as a testament to India’s age-old artistry and traditions. He was responding on X to the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts’s post about the statue which, it said, is made of Ashtadhatu. “The 27 feet tall, 18-ton-weight statue is the tallest statue made of Ashtadhatu and is sculpted by the renowned sculptor Radhakrishnan Sthapaty of Swami Malai in Tamil Nadu and his team in a record 7 months. 34 generations of Radhakrishnan have been making idols since the Chola Empire period. This statue of Nataraja, an important symbol of cosmic energy, creativity,and power, is going to be an attraction at the G20 summit,” it said. Modi posted, “The magnificent Nataraja statue at Bharat Mandapam brings to life aspects of our rich history and culture. As the world gathers for the G20 summit, it will stand as a testament to India’s age-old artistry and traditions.” rewrite news draft. ChatGPT
New Delhi, September 6th: Prime Minister Narendra Modi lauded the Nataraja statue’s presence at Bharat Mandapam, the designated venue for crucial G20 summit meetings, emphasizing its significance as a symbol of India’s enduring artistic heritage and traditions.
The Prime Minister made this remark in response to a post by the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, which highlighted the statue’s unique qualities. Crafted from Ashtadhatu, the statue stands at an impressive height of 27 feet and weighs 18 tons, making it the tallest Ashtadhatu statue ever created. Renowned sculptor Radhakrishnan Sthapaty from Swami Malai in Tamil Nadu and his team accomplished this remarkable feat in just seven months. Notably, the Radhakrishnan family has been crafting idols for 34 generations, dating back to the Chola Empire era. The Nataraja statue, representing cosmic energy, creativity, and power, is set to become a prominent attraction during the upcoming G20 summit.
In his response, PM Modi expressed, “The magnificent Nataraja statue at Bharat Mandapam brings to life aspects of our rich history and culture. As the world gathers for the G20 summit, it will stand as a testament to India’s age-old artistry and traditions.”