Srinagar, July 17: In a successful joint operation conducted by the Indian Army and Handwara Police, two improvised explosive devices (IEDs) were recovered from the Wodhpura area in Handwara, North Kashmir. According to a police statement, the operation was launched based on reliable information, resulting in the swift recovery of the sophisticated IEDs weighing approximately 5 and 7 kilograms. The area was immediately secured by the security forces, and the explosive detection team of the Indian Army conducted positive identification of the IEDs using advanced equipment and trained dogs. The IEDs were safely neutralized through a controlled detonation by the Bomb Disposal team. Following the successful operation, a thorough search was carried out in the Wodhpura Forest to ensure the absence of any more IEDs or hiding militants. Thankfully, no casualties or damage to property were reported. The joint efforts of the security forces effectively averted a major incident in the area.
Sringar : Tejwant Singh Sawhney, Senior BJP Minority Morchav Leader, has made a fervent call for peace between Israel and Palestine. Recognizing the urgent need for international harmony,...
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