Srinagar, July 11: In a commendable operation, a group of trekkers stranded due to bad weather was successfully rescued by the police in Zanskar on Monday, according to officials. The Assistant Director General of Police (ADGP) Ladakh took to Twitter to announce the successful rescue, stating that the trekking group was stranded in bad weather near Zangla village at Tsarak Dho. The police party from Zanskar Police Station conducted the rescue operation, ensuring the safe evacuation of the group to Padum.
The police also emphasized the importance of being aware of weather conditions before planning any trekking trips. In a call to action, they urged individuals to check weather forecasts and plan their trips accordingly. They also provided contact information for the nearest Ladakh Police Stations and Police Posts, encouraging people to reach out for more information or dial the Emergency Response Support System (ERSS) helpline number 112.
The timely and efficient rescue by the police exemplifies their commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of individuals venturing into the challenging terrains of Ladakh.