Defence Minister Rajnath Singh affirmed on Wednesday that India will maintain dialogues with China across all levels to seek a peaceful resolution to the ongoing military standoff in Ladakh. He expressed unwavering confidence in the Indian Army’s ability to address any potential contingencies.
While discussing the situation along the border with Pakistan, Singh praised the Indian Army’s response to cross-border terrorism and confirmed Pakistan’s continuing policy of waging a proxy war against India.Rajnath Singh addressed the second Army Commanders’ Conference of 2023, which began in a hybrid format. The conference involved comprehensive discussions on various aspects of current security scenarios, border and hinterland situations, and challenges faced by the existing security apparatus. Additionally, the conference focused on matters related to organizational restructuring, logistics, administration, and human resource management.Singh commended the Border Roads Organisation for significantly enhancing road communication in the border regions with Pakistan and China, even in challenging conditions. He also acknowledged the cooperation between the Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs), Jammu & Kashmir Police, and the Army in combating terrorism in Jammu & Kashmir. Singh emphasized the contributions of the Indian Army in promoting stability and peace in the region through their synergized operations in the Union territory.Rajnath Singh reiterated the nation’s trust in the Indian Army, highlighting their role in border security, counter-terrorism efforts, and civil administration support in times of need. He recognized the Army’s significant role in military diplomacy, which strengthens India’s national security interests through cooperative relationships with foreign armies.Observing the impact of the complex and ambiguous global situation, Singh stated that unconventional and asymmetric warfare, including hybrid warfare, will be part of future conventional conflicts. He urged the armed forces to consider these aspects when planning and formulating strategies.The Defence Minister praised the Army’s high operational readiness and capabilities, acknowledging the sacrifices of brave soldiers in defense of the nation. He also acknowledged the Army’s contributions to military diplomacy in advancing India’s national security interests.Rajnath Singh stressed the importance of learning from global incidents, including past conflicts, and the need to prepare for unexpected situations and plan and strategize accordingly.