Jammu, May 24 : Jammu and Kashmir Police’s Special Investigation Unit (SIU) conducted raids on the residences of four terrorists based in Pakistan, across different areas of Kishtwar district. The operations, carried out in Padder, Keshwan, and Thakrai, were executed after securing search warrants from a special NIA court in Jammu under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act. Senior Superintendent of Police, Kishtwar, Khalil Ahmad Poswal, confirmed the raids and highlighted that these actions were part of ongoing efforts to combat terrorism. Notably, on May 18, the SIU had also conducted similar raids on the houses of five terrorists currently operating from Pakistan and Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir, in addition to investigating three individuals suspected of involvement in the district.
Bhopal, October 21 : The process of filing nominations for the forthcoming Madhya Pradesh assembly elections officially commenced on Saturday, with the issuance of notification for the polls, according...
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