Jammu, September 2nd, 2023 – In a significant development, the Special Investigation Agency (SIA) has apprehended two long-elusive terrorists with a history spanning over three decades in Jammu and Kashmir’s Doda district. These individuals, identified as Firdous Ahmad Wani from Ghat village and Khurshid Ahmad Malik from Bharat village, had undergone training in Pakistan and were sought by law enforcement for their active involvement in militancy during the 1990s.
These recent arrests mark a remarkable success for the SIA, as a total of 10 fugitive terrorists, evading capture for many years, have been apprehended in the Jammu region since August 31. Notably, most of these individuals hail from Doda district.
The SIA, in line with its overarching goal of eradicating terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir, has launched a special operation to locate and bring before the court all absconders connected to terrorism-related cases, ensuring they face justice under the law. Among a total of 734 absconders, encompassing 417 in Kashmir and 317 in Jammu, who are wanted under the Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act (TADA) and the Prevention of Terrorism Act (POTA), the SIA has successfully verified and identified 369 individuals—215 in Jammu and 154 in Kashmir.
It’s worth noting that out of the 369 verified absconders, 80 have passed away, 45 are residing in Pakistan, Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK), or other foreign countries, 127 remain unlocated, and four are incarcerated in correctional facilities.