Baramulla, April 28: Police in Jammu and Kashmir’s Baramulla district have arrested a tourist guide accused of selling fake Gondola tickets to tourists visiting Gulmarg. The accused, identified as Mohamad Akhter Katari, a resident of Bandi Bala Chandoosa, was taken into custody by the Baramulla police. The action was taken after Gulmarg Gondola Project’s manager reported that a ticket checker caught 11 tourists with counterfeit Gondola tickets. Upon inquiry, the tourists said that they had purchased the tickets from a tourist guide.
The police registered a First Information Report (FIR) under the relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) in Police Station Gulmarg and initiated an investigation. During the investigation, the police found that the primary objective of the fraudsters was to pre-book Gondola tickets and sell them to unsuspecting tourists at exorbitant rates. The police have also requested tourists to be wary of such fraudsters.