New Delhi, April 19 : UP CM Yogi Adityanath has instructed the Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation and Production Corporation (UPPCL) to ensure adequate power supply in the state during the summer season, as per an official statement released on Tuesday. To address the situation, UPPCL has initiated measures to ramp up power generation. UPPCL Chairman M Devraj has inspected the Jawaharpur Super Thermal Power Project, gathering information about the ongoing construction works and directing officials to commence production of one unit (660 MW) of the project by May 15, 2023. The chairman emphasized the importance of completing the project on schedule to ensure uninterrupted power supply to all areas of the state during peak demand. The Jawaharpur Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd is constructing this project, which is expected to cost around Rs 10,500 crore and has a generating capacity of 1320 MW. The project’s first unit will undergo testing by April 23, 2023, and begin production by May 15, 2023, with the second unit expected to commence production in about six months.
Bhopal, October 21 : The process of filing nominations for the forthcoming Madhya Pradesh assembly elections officially commenced on Saturday, with the issuance of notification for the polls, according...
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