On August 9th, New Delhi – The Congress party took to Twitter on Wednesday to pose a question to Prime Minister Narendra Modi regarding his intentions to address the situation in Manipur. The party also alleged a growing sense of “mistrust” between the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) governments at both the state and central levels.
Jairam Ramesh, the Congress general secretary, highlighted the pressing issue of Manipur’s deteriorating constitutional framework. He pointed out that an FIR had been lodged by the Manipur Police against the Assam Rifles. Ramesh shared the FIR document on Twitter and drew attention to the vocal concerns expressed by the Chief Minister of Manipur and his associates. He questioned whether this evident friction indicated a breakdown in communication between the BJP-led state government and the central government, referring to it as a potential breakdown of the constitutional machinery. Ramesh emphasized the disparity between this situation and the promised dual-party governance that Manipur had voted for. He directly addressed the Prime Minister, questioning the timing of his intervention.
Gaurav Gogoi, another prominent Congress leader, joined the discourse, drawing attention to Manipur Chief Minister Biren Singh’s serious accusations against the Assam Rifles, an organization under the purview of Union Home Minister Amit Shah. Gogoi placed the responsibility for controlling the situation in Manipur squarely on the Home Ministry’s shoulders and raised the question of whether Prime Minister Modi would prioritize the interests of the nation over those of his party.
The Congress has consistently demanded a statement from the Prime Minister within the Parliament regarding the situation in Manipur. The state of affairs in Manipur remains a topic of concern, prompting the Congress to seek accountability and swift action from the central government.